Real Religion is our worship
theme for the fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost, September 2, 2012. Our focus
scriptures are Mark 7:1-23 and James 1:17-27.
passages focus on what it means to take God’s Word seriously. In Mark, Jesus is
accused of letting his disciples neglect the laws pertaining to cleanliness.
They should be washing their hands before meals, especially after returning
from the market. Likewise pots and pans should be washed in particular ways.
But, as Jesus says to the Pharisees in Matthew 23:24, complaining about not
keeping these laws is like straining out a gnat, and then swallowing a camel! To
drive his point home, Jesus cites the ways that the Pharisees allow children to
escape Moses’ command to honor their parents. Money that they would have used
to care for parents in need can be given instead to the temple. And nothing
further for the parents is required. Finally Jesus goes on to make the point
that true obedience to God’s law is a matter of the heart. However we eat our
food, it simply passes out of us. It goes through the stomach and does not
lodge in the heart. The things that truly defile us are the result of evil
intentions which corrupt our hearts and come from within.
makes the same point. God’s Word is meant to re-create us so that we can be
true children of God. It needs to lodge in our hearts and souls and change us
from within. But sometimes the impurities that are already there keep us from
hearing God’s Word. Or, having heard the Word, we don’t bother to act on it.
Real religion means being hearers and doers. It means caring for the poor and
keeping our souls clean.
is a Call to Worship from James 1:17-27 and a Communion Liturgy for Labor Day.
Please use or adapt anything that is helpful to you.
Call to Worship from
James 1:17-27
Sisters and brothers, every good gift comes from above.
All we possess is given by the Father of
Light, who can always be trusted.
P: God’s Word of
Truth re-births us as God’s children, the crown of creation.
We must be quick to listen; slow to speak; and slower still to get angry.
P: For anger
never creates the justice God intends.
Indeed, let us clean out our evil intentions.
Then we can hear the Word God plants in
our hearts which can save our souls.
P: But we can’t
stop there! We must not only hear the Word, we must act on it.
Those who are hearers, but not doers, fool themselves.
P: They glance
in a mirror, walk quickly away, and forget what they look like!
So look into the mirror of God’s law and see your own true self.
P: Then don’t
forget what you saw, but act on it.
Pretending to be religious by talking about it is just so much hot air.
P: Real religion
means caring for the poor; not allowing the world to corrupt you.
Thanks be to God for all God gives to us. Let us worship God!
Communion Hymn “Let
Us Talents and Tongues Employ”
Communion Prayer
God of majesty and love, we give thanks for the many ways that
you call to us in the midst of our lives.
P: We praise the
way you express your wisdom in scientists,
philosophers, and teachers.
Your creativity in dancers, musicians, and artists.
P: Your energy
in farmers, fishers, laborers, and workers.
Your truth in prophets, courageous journalists, poets, and preachers.
P: Your love in
caregivers, friends, parents, and church family.
Your humanity in Jesus Christ who lived among the poor and oppressed.
P: Who walked in
countryside and market streets.
Who shared our joys and sorrows, our hopes and disappointments.
P: Who offered
himself as a living lesson of all that you want to teach.
Who opened an eternal way from your heart to ours.
P: As we come to Christ’s table, bless us with
his living Spirit:
Shape our hearts and wills so that our
lives may express your love.
Transform our sense of how we work so that
our vocations may serve your will.
Use us to hasten the day when all will be
well in heaven and on earth.
Empower us with Christ’s Spirit to create
your justice and lasting peace.
In his wonderful name we pray. Amen.
Words of
Receiving the
Unison Prayer of
Loving God,
thank you for inviting us to Christ’s table and feeding us with his powerful
Spirit! Send us forth now to do his ministry in this your world! Amen.