Monday, February 20, 2012

The Economy of Life

The Economy of Life is our worship theme for the second Sunday in Lent, March 4, 2012. Our focus scripture is Mark 8:27-38.

Two Sundays ago on Transfiguration Sunday we explored the passage immediately after this one. There Jesus’ disciples, Peter, James and John see Jesus transfigured and soon hear the voice of God command them to “Listen to him!” The reason why they need to listen is that they and the other disciples are resisting the way of the cross. In our scripture for today they hear Jesus predict his death and they shrink back. Peter even takes Jesus aside and tries to talk him out of it. But Jesus responds: “Get behind me Satan! For you are not thinking like God, but like a human.”

There follows a fascinating teaching on the economics of life. As humans, we tend to think that the more we can get, the better and safer we will be. But from God’s perspective, it’s what we give that counts.

The reason why we are able to give away our lives is that we live within the constant, surpassing love of God. This is beautifully expressed by Paul in Romans. Here is a Call to Worship based on that passage. Please feel free to use or adapt anything in this post that is helpful to you.

Call to Worship   From Romans 8:26-39

L: Sisters and brothers, as we begin to worship, let us recall God’s constant love:
When we cannot help ourselves, God’s Spirit comes to our aid.
P: We may not even know how to pray, but the Spirit prays in our groans.
L: And God listens as the Spirit tells God exactly what is going on.
P: In both joy and tragedy the Spirit works in our lives for good.
L: So what have we to fear? God is on our side, what else do we need?
P: After all, God gave us Jesus and all the grace and love that Jesus brings.
L: So who is left to frighten us? We’re all right with God. Who can condemn us?
P: Jesus died and rose and rules from heaven. And Jesus loves us!
L: Can you imagine anything doing away with his love?
P: Can hard times, or anxiety, or persecution, or hunger, or poverty stop him?
L: How about those who want to kill us, even slaughter us like sheep?
P: No, we conquer every fearful thing through Christ who loves us!
L: For we have learned that nothing – not death or life, angels or demons,
P: present or future, heavenly bodies or powers from hell –
L: absolutely nothing in the whole cosmos –
P: can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord!
All: Praise God! Let us worship God!


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