Monday, April 16, 2012

Blessing by Bread

Blessing by Bread is our worship theme for the third Sunday of Easter, April 22, 2012. Our focus scripture is Luke 24:13-49.

Our focus passage is the familiar story of two followers of Jesus who are journeying to Emmaus on the day Christ is risen. They have heard reports of the empty tomb and even of the women encountered angels telling of Christ’s resurrection. Yet they apparently didn’t put much stock in the reports because they are despondent and on their way out of town. Even when they meet a remarkable stranger they remain consumed by their grief and frustration. Only at the end of the day, when they press the stranger to break bread with them, are their eyes opened. Then their eyes are opened. They recognize him in the breaking of the bread. They race back to Jerusalem to tell the others and soon experience another appearance of Jesus.

Throughout the Bible and in our culture bread is an important symbol of nourishment. There is bread for the body and bread for the soul and both are often mixed together. What are the blessings Christ gives us as we break bread in his name? How do we share the bread of his continuing life with others?

Here is a Call to Worship based on Bible passages where bread occasions a blessing. Please feel free to use or adapt anything in this post which is helpful.

Call to Worship                             Blessing by Bread
Genesis 18:6, Exodus 16:15, Matthew 4:4, Matthew 14:19, John 6:48-51, Matthew 26:26, Luke 24:31

L: Sisters and brothers, time and again God blesses us in bread!
P: In her old age, Sarah entertains God in the form of a mysterious stranger.
     She blesses God with bread. God blesses her with her son, Isaac.
L: As they wander, starving in the wilderness, God blesses the people with manna:
     the bread from heaven.
P: Tempted in the wilderness Jesus won’t turn a stone into bread, blessing us
     with knowledge: we do not live by bread alone; our true bread is God’s word.
L: But later in the wilderness Jesus blesses a huge crowd that is hungry.
     He multiplies five loaves to feed five thousand.
P: Then he proclaims himself the Bread of Life: “Those who ate manna died.   
     Those who eat my bread are blessed with eternal life.”
L: At the Last Supper Jesus blesses his disciples with the bread of his body:
     “Take and eat, this is my body broken for you. Eat this to remember me.”
P: And on the road to Emmaus he meets his followers as an intriguing stranger.
     Soon they are blessed to recognize Christ risen in the breaking of bread!
 All: Gracious God, you bless us with bread to nourish our bodies.
         You bless us with spiritual bread to nourish our souls.
         We praise you! Bless you for your goodness!

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