Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Putting the Body to Death?

Putting the Body to Death? is our worship theme for Trinity Sunday, June 3, 2012. Our focus scripture is Romans 8:12-17.

In chapter 8 of Romans, Paul explores the curious reality of living in the “meantime” between the triumph of Christ’s resurrection and the full coming of his kingdom. Christ’s resurrection has created a dramatic change in human reality: while Christ, himself, is no longer physically present with us, his Spirit floods our lives. We ourselves, along with the whole of creation, groan like a woman in labor as we await the fullness of Christ’s kingdom to be birthed. But in the meantime, we have the “first-fruits” of the Spirit to aid and comfort us. Among other things, the Spirit adopts us as God’s children. God no longer deals with us by law. To quote Jeremiah, “God has written God’s law on our hearts.” So we live by the power of the Spirit.

Or, at least we try to live that way! Paul knows very well that we can easily fall victim to the old fears and desires of our bodily flesh. That is, we want to preserve our lives at all cost. We want to “eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we die.” We want to blot out the constant fear of our mortality or of our subjectivity to hunger or illness by compulsive shopping or sex or gambling or immersion in the internet. And so we can be slaves to the old reality and the old fear.  And this is the tension between the emerging new and the still compelling old that Paul brilliantly explores in chapter 8. As we reflect on his words, we will explore the relationship between body and soul, and the idea that in some way God is calling us to put our bodies to death.

Here are two Calls to Worship appropriate for this Trinity Sunday. Please use or adapt anything helpful to you.

**Call to Worship     From Romans 8:12-17

L: Welcome to worship on Trinity Sunday!
     Let us recall the words of the Apostle Paul:
     Sisters and brothers, we don’t owe a thing to the fears of our bodies!
     In fact, when we go around afraid to die, we’re as good as dead!
P: But God gives us the Spirit so we can be free to live!
L: And all who live by the power of God’s Spirit are children of God!
P: For God does not give us a spirit of slavery to trap us in fear.
     Instead, God’s Spirit joins us to God.
We become God’s adopted sons and daughters.
L: So we call God, “Abba, Papa!”
P: And God’s Spirit joins with our spirit to assure us
that we are God’s beloved children.
L: Since we are God’s children, we are also God’s heirs.
     In fact, together with Christ, we inherit God’s glory.
P: Today, we share in Christ’s sufferings. Tomorrow we share in his glory!
All: Thanks be to God: our Abba, Son and Holy Spirit!
     Let us worship God in three persons, Blessed Trinity!

**Call to Worship

          L: Sisters and brothers, let us praise God, Creator of the universe,
               Father and Mother of all human beings.
          P: Praise God, our Creator!
          L: Let us praise God in Jesus Christ, victor over sin and death,
               reconciler of all ages, tongues and races.
          P: Praise Jesus Christ, our Redeemer!
          L: Let us praise God’s Holy Spirit, indwelling fire,
               giver of Christ’s compassion, lifeblood of the Church.
          P: Praise Holy Spirit, our Sustainer!
          L: Praise God: Creator, Redeemer, and Sustainer of our lives!
       All: Let us worship God! Alleluia! Amen.

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