Monday, July 15, 2013

Christ the Key

My suggested worship theme for Sunday, July 21, 2013 is Christ the Key. The focus scripture is Colossians 1:15-29.

In this passage Paul quotes an ancient Christian hymn to describe the cosmic attributes of Christ’s primacy and power in a compelling way. As John Robinson suggests, Christ is the human face of God. And Christ is the key to all authentic human living. We look at his life and love, and we see God’s intention for the human community – for human relationships with each other, with nature, and with God.

Here is a Call to Worship based on Colossians 1:11-22. Please use or adapt anything that is helpful.   

Call to Worship    From Colossians 1:11-22

 L: Rejoice sisters and brothers! Even in suffering God makes us strong with God’s astonishing strength. And God invites us into the glorious inheritance of the saints.
P: God rescues us from the powers of evil and carries us into the kingdom of Christ.
     There we are safe. There we receive forgiveness for all our sins.
L: For Christ is the human face of God. God created him and he created everything else!   
     Christ created this visible world and in all its beauty.
     And Christ created all the invisible powers – the laws that hold all things together.   
     Christ created it all to serve his love!
P: Christ is the foundation of all things and the glue that holds all things together.
     He is the head of his body, the Church.
     He is the first-born to human life, and the first-born to eternal life.
     His life reveals the purpose of all authentic human living.  
L: In his life the fullness of God joined us on earth. By his death on the cross God
      captured our hearts and drew us back into a loving relationship.
P: Now we – who were once estranged from God, hostile in mind, doing evil –
     are reconciled to God and made new creatures by Christ’s death on the cross.
All: Thanks be to God! Let us worship God!

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