Monday, July 29, 2013

A Self-Made Man

A Self-Made Man is my suggested worship theme for the 11th Sunday after Pentecost, August 4, 2013. Focus scriptures are Luke 12:13-21 and Psalm 49.

In Luke, Jesus warns against placing too much faith in material wealth as a way to security and happiness. He may have just read Psalm 49 when he tells the story of the rich man set for life with overflowing barns, now prepared to eat, drink, and make merry. Then suddenly, the man’s life is required of him by God and all his goods help him not at all. Life is scary, and frightened humans love to fool ourselves into the idea that we can pull ourselves up by our own bootstraps and make ourselves secure. But alas, it all turns out to be an illusion. The only source of true security is God.

Here is a Call to Worship based on Psalm 49. Please use or adapt anything helpful to you.

Call to Worship    From Psalm 49

L: Here’s a riddle for everyone, rich and poor! What good is wealth?
P: Are you kidding? Money makes you strong, sets you up to thrive!
L: Really? Then answer me this: what is the cost of eternal life?
P: Are you asking if we can buy eternal life from God?
L: Right. Does God have a price you can pay?
     Don’t the wise and foolish die together?
P: But what about the rich and famous?
     Some even name buildings after themselves.
L: Right. And then what? Death shepherds them home to the grave.
P: So what’s the answer, then, since no one escapes Death?
L: God is the answer. We can’t save ourselves, but God can.
P: So we don’t need to chase money or be jealous when someone else gets rich?
L: Be rich in faith and rich in service. Keep straight who is who.
     Like all creatures, humans age and weaken and die. But our Creator loves us!
All: Thanks be to God! Let us give God our worship and praise!

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