Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Blessing from the Back of a Donkey

Blessing from the Back of a Donkey is our worship theme for Palm Sunday, April 1, 2012. Our focus scriptures are Psalm 24 and John 12:12-19.

Our overall worship theme for our services in April will be Blessed and Blessing. We will explore familiar and beloved stories to see how they tell good news of God’s blessing poured out upon us. And we will see how God’s blessing empowers us to bless others.

On Palm Sunday Jesus enters Jerusalem riding on the back of a donkey’s colt to fulfill the prophecy of Zechariah (9:9). According to John, many in the crowd who acclaim him saw him raise Lazarus from the tomb and have told the news of it enthusiastically. That is why so many people turn out to see and praise Jesus. And that is why the Pharisees, who wish to kill him, are stymied. “The world has gone after him,” they bemoan.

For John, the question is always a question of recognition. Do we recognize that Jesus is the Son of God and then receive the gifts he has to give: light; living water; eternal life, etc. Or are we blind? Very frequently in John’s Gospel, the world is blind. So although the world runs after him in this brief passage, darkness will soon return.

As Jesus enters Jerusalem the central question is “Who is really in charge of the Holy City?” The Son of God is passing through its ancient gates. Are its citizens prepared to receive the blessing that God has prepared for them? Or will they turn blind and follow the ways of the world?

And what about the Holy City of our souls? Psalm 24 says that those who may stand in God’s holy house are those with pure hearts and clean hands. Those who tell the truth, and who refuse to worship idols. If we have these qualities then God will bless us.

From the back of his donkey Jesus can bless us still. If we recognize what’s going on.  

Here are two Calls to Worship based on Psalms 24 and 118. Please feel free to use or adapt anything in this post that is helpful to you.

Call to Worship   “The Rightful King Appears”   (from Psalm 24)

   L: The earth is God’s creation. Everything in it belongs to God!
          P: Who, then, may climb God’s holy mountain?
Who may stand in God’s holy house?
          L: Those with pure hearts and clean hands.
               Those who won’t worship idols, who don't lie to themselves.
          P: God will bless them. They will enter God’s presence.
          L: Open up, Ancient doors! Open up, Holy Gates!
          P: Your rightful King is coming! Your Mighty God awaits!
          L: Open up, Ancient doors! Open up, Holy Gates!
          P: Prepare the way for the King of Glory!
     Prepare the way for the God of all the angels!
       All: God is here! Let us worship God!

Call to Worship   From Psalm 118

L: Give thanks to the Lord, for God is good.
God’s steadfast love endures forever!
P: In distress I called to the Lord. God answered and set me free!
     With God on my side I have no fear. What can mere mortals do?
L: God’s my strong champion. I flick off enemies like flies.
Hemmed-in by powerful people, I swat them away!                          
P: Surrounded on all sides, I swat them away!
Set upon like a swarm of angry bees, I swat them away!
L:  The Lord is my strength and my salvation.
I shall not die, but I shall live to tell of God’s great deeds!
The Lord tests me severely, but will not give me over to death.
P: Open up the gates of justice, that I may enter and praise God.
Through these gates the righteous enter to find God’s presence.  
L:  Thank God, who answered me and became my salvation!
The stone the builders rejected has become the chief cornerstone.
This is God’s doing, a marvel to behold.
P: Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord!
March with palm branches up to the altar!      
  All:  Give thanks to the Lord, for God is good.
          God’s steadfast love endures forever.

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