Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Life Out of Death

Life Out of Death is our worship theme for the fifth Sunday of Lent, March 25, 2012. Our focus scriptures are John 12:20-33 and Jeremiah 31:31-34.

In John, Jesus speaks movingly about the way a grain of wheat must itself be destroyed in order to give life to the many new grains that are the reason it is planted. He is staring the cross in the face, realizing that it is his destiny, the reason why he has come. He doesn’t want to die. His soul is deeply troubled. But he understands the singular power of his death to give birth to life. When he is lifted up, his act of love will come into sharp contrast with the ways of this world. Satan will be exposed and found wanting. And Jesus will draw all people to himself.

The prophet Jeremiah yearns for the love which Jesus creates. He remembers how the people of Israel broke their covenantal vows with God, even as God was leading them out of slavery in Egypt. Jeremiah looks forward to the day when God will take the laws of the covenant and write them on each human heart. For Christians, this comes true in the sacrificial death of Jesus. When he is lifted up, we can’t help falling in love with God.

Here are two Calls to Worship that express our theme. Please feel free to use or adapt anything in this post that is helpful to you.

Call to Worship    Life from Death    John 12:24-32

L: Sisters and brothers, as we move deeper into Lent let us recall Jesus’ words:
       “Truly, unless a grain of wheat is buried in the earth and dies it yields nothing.
P: But if it dies, it bears fruit and creates more life.
L: Just so, those who cling to their lives in this world will lose them.
P: But those who give their lives away will keep life for all eternity.
L: Now my soul is troubled, and should I ask God to escape this hour?
P: No, for this is my very reason for being.
L: Now Satan, the ruler of this world, will be exposed and cast away.
P: And when I am lifted up, I will draw all people to receive the life I give.”
All: Thanks be to God for this precious gift of life. Let us worship God.

Call to Worship    Love Renewed   from Jeremiah 31:31-34

L: God says, “I will make a new covenant with you, my people.
P: Not like the one I made with your ancestors when I led them out of Egypt.
L: That promise they broke like an unfaithful spouse.
P: Here is my new covenant: I will make my law come to life inside you.
L: I will write my commandments on your hearts.
P: I will be your God; you will be my people.
L: Nothing more will be required for every one of you will know me deeply.
P: And I will forgive your sin and forget your wrongdoings forever.”
All: Praise God! Let us worship God!

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