Monday, July 2, 2012

Can You Hear Me?

Can You Hear Me? is our worship theme for the sixth Sunday after Pentecost, July 8, 2012. Our focus Bible readings are Ezekiel 2:1-7 and Mark 6:1-13.

The passage from Ezekiel highlights the rebelliousness of God’s people and their refusal to hear God’s word. God calls Ezekiel to speak to them for God. But God is utterly frank about the possibility that Israel will listen. Their ancestors defied God, and the present generation is no better. Yet despite their impudent refusal to listen, God keeps on trying! Ezekiel’s job is to speak. It is up to the people to listen.

In Mark’s passage, Jesus begins in the position of Ezekiel. Having performed miracles and drawn great crowds elsewhere, Jesus preaches in the synagogue of his hometown of Nazareth and meets with a cool response. “We know all about this boy,” his homefolks say. “Didn’t he grow up here, doesn’t his family still live in our village? How could he be anything special?” So they refuse to really hear him and Jesus is amazed at their unbelief.

Yet Jesus is undeterred. He simply goes to other villages. And then, in a demonstration of his faith in God’s power, he calls together his twelve disciples and sends them out to preach and heal. He gives them God’s power over unclean spirits. He orders them to take no provisions other than a walking staff. They are to take no food, no money, no extra clothes. Rather they are to rely on his authority and God’s power. And they go and do his ministry quite effectively, casting out many demons, and anointing the sick with oil and curing them. How easy it would be for us if we had ears to hear and eyes to see the life of God unfolding in the world!

Here is a Call to Worship based on Ezekiel’s call. Please feel free to use or adapt anything that is helpful to you.

Call to Worship      from Ezekiel 2:1-7

L: Sisters and brothers, let us remember Ezekiel’s call to be a prophet:
       “God said to me, ‘Stand up, mortal! I have something to say to you.’
P: As I heard God’s voice, the Spirit entered me and set me on my feet.
        God spoke and I listened.
L: God said: ‘Mortal, I’m sending you to my people, Israel.
        They are a rebellious bunch if there ever was one!
        Their ancestors and them defy me to this day.
P: Because they are stubborn, hard-hearted children, I am sending you.
        You are to tell them: ‘This is what God, your Master, says…”
        They are impudent and they don’t deserve it!
        But whether they hear or refuse to hear, 
        they will know that I sent them a prophet!
L: As for you, mortal, don’t be afraid of them or anything they say.
        Even if it feels like you’re walking in thorn bushes or sitting on scorpions!
        And don’t fear their hard words and mean looks – they’re rebels!
        Your job is to speak for me. Whether they listen is up to them.’”
All: We give thanks for God’s faithfulness and guidance!
        Let us worship God!

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