Monday, July 16, 2012

One in Christ

One in Christ is our worship theme for the Eight Sunday after Pentecost, July 22, 2012. Our focus scripture is Ephesians 2:11-22.

Last week we marveled at the sweep of God’s cosmic plan, summed up succinctly in Ephesians 1:1-14. This week we see the author’s understanding of how God’s reconciliation will unite those who were former enemies: Jews and Gentiles. For a long time in their histories, religion was not a uniting force, but a point of division. Jews prided themselves on the law of Moses and felt they were God’s favored nation. Gentiles worshiped various deities and felt that the Jews were narrow and perhaps small-minded. But now, according to Ephesians, a new day has dawned. Jesus' death has wiped the slate of history clean and made it ready for a new beginning. The cross is a symbol of the futility of human hatred, which leads only to death and despair. Christ’s blood is a symbol of the extreme love and mercy of God, who will give anything – even God’s own life -- to change the hearts of God’s children, be they Jew or Gentile. Now in the love of Christ, all people can come together to be built into one holy family, the dwelling place of God. For Christians, thinking about how this can be true for all the divisions that mar our world – religious or otherwise – is the great question of our day.

Here are two Calls to Worship, one based on our passage from Ephesians and the other on Psalm 23. Please feel free to use or adapt anything helpful to you.

Call to Worship   from Ephesians 2:13-22

   L: Astounding news! In Christ, all divisions disappear!
   P: We have no more reason to hate others who are different.
   L: Because by dying, Jesus became our peace.
   P: He tore down all walls. He made us all equal before God.
   L: In his cross, we see the result of human hatred.
   P: In his blood, we see the depths of God’s forgiveness and love.
   L: So by dying, Jesus put to death our need for hostility.
   P: He proclaimed peace far and wide.
   L: And now we can proclaim this: all people belong to God’s family.
   P: With the saints, we can be built together into a single household.
   L: With Christ’s love as the keystone, we can be God’s dwelling place.
All: Thanks be to God! Let us worship God!

Call to Worship   from Psalm 23

    L: God, you are my shepherd! You care for all my needs.
    P: You rest me in grassy meadows, you guide me to quiet pools.
    L: True to your name, you lead me along the narrow path.
    P: Even when we must go through Death Valley, I am not afraid.
    L: For you are with me. Your shepherd’s staff cheers me.
    P: You spread out a banquet for me while my enemies squirm.
    L: You honor me as your guest. Your blessings spill over my cup.
    P: Your kindness and love stream after me each day of my life.   
 All: And I will always return to live in your house, O God.

First printed in WorshipCalls for Good Shepherd Sunday, April 29, 2012.

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