Tuesday, September 11, 2012

The Narrow Way

On Sunday, September 16, 2012 the Church of the Nativity UCC is departing from the usual lectionary readings and celebrating the first Sunday in the Season of Creation, Planet Earth Sunday.  However, for those of you using the recommended readings, here are two Calls to Worship. Please feel free to use or adapt them as you wish.

Call to Worship    from Mark 8:34-37

L: Sisters and brothers, as we worship let us remember Christ’s challenge:
P: If you want to follow me you must give up selfishness and embrace the cross.
L: If you try to save your life yourself, you will lose it.
P: But lose your life for me and the good news of the kingdom, and you will save it.
L: For what good is it to gain the whole world, but lose your soul in the bargain?
P: Do you think that anything is worth more to you than your soul?
All: Let us follow Christ along his narrow way –
       the way of the cross -- the way to eternal life!

Call to Worship    from Psalm 19

L: Sisters and brothers, let us praise and thank our Creator!
P: Our God has made the heavens and the earth!
     God has filled them with wonders!
L: The very sky cries out the glory of God!
     Each sunrise proclaims God’s presence,
     each nightfall whispers mysteries!
P: No human words are spoken, but God’s voice carries everywhere!
L: As the sun rises and sets, so God’s wisdom governs our human lives.
P: God’s commandments are clear, they make the simple wise.
L: God’s teachings bear fruit, they make us rejoice.
P: Respect for God and God’s ways is the key to life.
L: So we pray for God to clear away our hidden faults
    and keep us on the right path.
All: Let the words of our mouths and the meditations of our hearts
    be acceptable to you, O God, our rock and our redeemer!
    Let us worship God!

First printed in WorshipCalls for the third Sunday of Lent, March 11, 2012.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Dan - It's so cool to see your name and posting as I am searching for resources for my Sunday bulletin! Who ever would have thought that when we were in high school???
    Linda (Borman) Koelman
