Monday, April 29, 2013

Easter 6 Resource

The Church of the Nativity is conducting a debt reduction drive and is temporarily straying from the lectionary. However, here is a Call to Worship based on Revelation 21:22-22:5. Please use or adapt it if it is helpful to you.

Call to Worship   From Revelation 21:22-22:5

L: Friends, in the season of Easter, let us recall John’s vision of the heavenly city.
P: No temple is in the city, for its temple is God Almighty and the Lamb.
L: No sun or moon needs shine. God’s glory is its light. The Lamb is its lamp.
P: The nations walk in its light. Earth’s kings bring their glory.
L: The gates are always open by day – and there is no night.
P: Nothing is the city is false. Everything honors God!
L: Bright as crystal, the river of life flows from the throne of God and of the Lamb.
P: It flows through city center, the tree of life on either side.
L: The tree produces 12 kinds of fruit – one each month. Its leaves heal the nations.
P: God’s servants worship God face to face. God’s name is on their foreheads.
All: God Almighty is their light. They reign forever and ever.  

Monday, April 22, 2013

Easter 5 Resource

The Church of the Nativity is conducting a debt reduction drive and is temporarily straying from the lectionary. However, here is a Call to Worship based on Psalm 148. Please use or adapt it if it is helpful to you.

Call to Worship     From Psalm 148

L: Hallelujah! Let the heavens sing God’s praise!
P: Praise God you heavenly host of angels!
L: Praise God sun and moon and shining stars!
P: Praise God thunder clouds and rainbows!
L: Let all creation praise God, for God spoke and all was formed.
P: God set all things in place and God’s laws cannot be changed.
L: Hallelujah! Let the earth sing God’s praise!
P: Praise God you sea monsters prowling in ocean depths!
L: Praise God fire and hail, snow and ice, and stormy winds!
P: Praise God mountains and hills, orchards and pines!
L: Praise God lions and lambs, slithering snakes and soaring birds!
P: Praise God kings and paupers, wise of age and little children!
L: Let all praise God, for God alone is worthy of honor.
P: Praise God for loving God’s people and making them strong.
All: Hallelujah!

Monday, April 15, 2013

Good Shepherd Sunday Resource

Good Shepherd Sunday Resource

The Church of the Nativity is conducting a debt reduction drive and is temporarily straying from the lectionary. However, here are two Calls to Worship based on Psalms 23 and 100. Please use or adapt either if it is helpful to you.

 Call to Worship (from Psalm 23)

L: God, you are my shepherd! You care for all my needs.
P: You rest me in grassy meadows, you guide me to quiet pools.
L: True to your name, you lead me along the narrow path.
P: Even when we must go through Death Valley, I am not afraid.
L: For you are with me. Your shepherd’s staff cheers me.
P: You spread out a banquet for me while my enemies squirm.
L: You honor me as your guest. Your blessings spill over my cup.
P: Your kindness and love stream after me each day of my life.   
 All: And I will always return to live in your house, O God.

Call to Worship   From Psalm 100 (adapted to use inclusive language from the NRSV)

L: Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth.
P: Worship the Lord with gladness;
     come into God’s presence with singing.
L: Know that the Lord is God. It is God who made us, and we are his.
     We are God’s people, and the sheep of her pasture.
P: Enter God’s gates with thanksgiving, and his courts with praise.
     Give thanks to God, bless her name.
All: For the Lord is good; her steadfast love endures forever,
       and his faithfulness to all generations.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Easter 3 Resource

Easter 3 Resource

The Church of the Nativity is conducting a debt reduction drive and is temporarily straying from the lectionary. However, here is a Call to Worship based on Psalm 30. Please use or adapt it if it is helpful to you.

Call to Worship    From Psalm 30

L: Praise you, O God! You rescued me! You lifted me over my enemies!
P: I cried out to you, Lord, and you healed me.
L: You drew me up from the grave, O God. You saved me from falling into the pit.
P: Sing, all you faithful! Bless God’s holy name!
L: For God’s anger lasts but a moment; God’s grace lasts a lifetime.
     Weeping may linger for a night, but joy comes in the morning.
P: Puffed up by prosperity, I bragged, “I’m invincible!”
L: By your grace, O Lord, you made me a strong mountain.
     But when you looked away; I fell apart.
P: Then I cried to you for help, O God. I begged your forgiveness and mercy.
     What good is it to you if I die? Can my dust praise you?
     Can I tell your faithfulness from the pit? Hear me, help me, gracious God!
L: Then you did it! You turned my mourning into dancing!
     You took off my sackcloth and clothed me with joy!
All: Now my soul is bursting with praise! I cannot keep silence!
     O Lord my God, I give thanks to you forever!