Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Our Experience of the Trinity

Our Experience of the Trinity is the worship theme for Trinity Sunday, May 26, 2013. Our focus scripture is Romans 5:1-5.

In a way, the trinity is an artificial concept. Jesus never specifically teaches it as an article of faith. But as John tells it in the sermon Jesus gives his disciples at the Last Supper, God the Father, who has sent him into the world, will also send a Comforter, an Advocate, after Jesus is no longer with his disciples who will strengthen them and bring to their remembrance all that he has taught them. And Luke, in his two chapter book – the Gospel and the Acts of the Apostles – tells the story of the mighty acts of God working through God’s Spirit. The Gospel tells how God gets Mary pregnant through the Spirit to create Jesus’ life, and then how God fills Jesus with the Spirit at his baptism and empowers his ministry. Then Acts tells how the risen Christ pours the Spirit out on the members of his Body on the day of Pentecost to give strength and wisdom to the Church. So in all this we do see a creating God, a ministering Christ, and an empowering Spirit. May the Church be blessed to always experience all three!

Here is a Call to Worship based on Romans 5:1-5. Please use or adapt anything helpful to you.

Call to Worship    From Romans 5:1-5

L: Sisters and brothers, our Lord Jesus Christ inspires us to put our faith in him.   
    And in this faith we find peace with God who sent him to us.

P: So now in Christ we experience the grace of God.
    We know that God forgives us and loves us completely.

L: We revel in the glory of God and God’s eternal blessing!

P: This empowers us to even find meaning in our sufferings.

L: For we know that suffering builds endurance, and endurance builds character,
    and character leads to hope.

P: And our hope is not in vain, because God’s love is poured into our hearts
    through Christ’s presence in the Holy Spirit who God gives to us.

All: Let us worship God, our Creator; Christ, God’s Son; and the Holy Spirit!

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